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Swahili Vocabulary

The Swahili vocabulary is the backbone for learning. Below we picked 70% of the most commonly used words. Therefore memorizing them will give you a 70% boost in the language. This is the smarter way of online learning. Learn only what you need. We start with commonly used numbers.

One: mmoja  Audio Two: mbili  Audio Three: tatu  Audio
Four: nne  Audio Five: tano  Audio Six: sita  Audio
Seven: saba  Audio Eight: nane  Audio Nine: tisa  Audio
Ten: kumi  Audio First: kwanza  Audio Second: pili  Audio

Time Expressions

Days of the week and time expressions:

Monday: jumatatu  Audio Tuesday: jumanne  Audio Wednesday: jumatano  Audio
Thursday: alhamisi  Audio Friday: ijumaa  Audio Saturday: jumamosi  Audio
Sunday: jumapili  Audio Now: sasa  Audio Yesterday: jana  Audio
Today: leo  Audio Tonight: usiku wa leo  Audio Tomorrow: kesho  Audio

Most popular fruits and vegetables:

Fruits: matunda  Audio Apples: tofaa  Audio
Bananas: ndizi  Audio Tomatoes: nyanya  Audio
Potatoes: viazi  Audio Onions: vitunguu  Audio
Colors that we think are imprtant to remember


Red: nyekundu  Audio Green: kijani kibichi  Audio Blue: bluu  Audio
White: nyeupe  Audio Black: nyeusi  Audio Grey: kijivu  Audio

Some words related to food:

Breakfast: kifungua kinywa  Audio Lunch: chakula cha mchana  Audio
Dinner: chakula cha jioni  Audio Milk: maziwa  Audio
Coffee: kahawa  Audio Bread: mkate  Audio

Weather terms and sensations:

Sunny: jua  Audio Windy: upepo  Audio Rainy: kunyesha  Audio
Snowy: kunyesha theluji  Audio Cold: baridi  Audio Hot: joto  Audio

Words related to family and relatives:

Boy: mvulana  Audio Girl: msichana  Audio
Son: mwana  Audio Daughter: binti  Audio
Brother: ndugu  Audio Sister: dada  Audio
Man: mwanamme  Audio Woman: mwanamke  Audio
Father: baba  Audio Mother: mama  Audio
Grandfather: babu  Audio Grandmother: nyanya  Audio

Locations in the house which are talked about more during the day:

House: nyumba  Audio Toilet: choo  Audio Room: chumba  Audio
Bedroom: chumba cha kulala  Audio Kitchen: jikoni  Audio Table: meza  Audio

Animals and pets popular to everyone:

Cat: paka  Audio Dog: mbwa  Audio Mouse: panya  Audio
Bird: ndege  Audio Cow: ng'ombe  Audio Horse: farasi  Audio

The clothes most worn by most people:

Socks: soksi  Audio Shoes: viatu  Audio Trousers: suruali  Audio
Shirt: shati  Audio Sweater: sweta  Audio Coat: koti  Audio

Most popular languages in the world:

English: kiingereza  Audio French: kifaransa  Audio German: kijerumani  Audio
Spanish: kihispania  Audio Italian: kiitaliano  Audio Portuguese: kireno  Audio
Greek: kigiriki  Audio Russian: kiurusi  Audio Arabic: kiarabu  Audio
Hindi: kihindi  Audio Chinese: kichina  Audio Japanese: kijapani  Audio

Travel Vocabulary

Most popular terms when traveling:

Taxi: teksi  Audio Bus: basi  Audio
Hotel: hoteli  Audio Reservation: reservation  Audio
Airport: uwanja wa ndege  Audio Passport: pasipoti  Audio

Words you can use in class or talking about school:

Student: mwanafunzi  Audio Teacher: mwalimu  Audio Pen: kalamu  Audio
Books: vitabu  Audio Page: ukurasa  Audio Dictionary: kamusi  Audio

Body parts which are talked about more often:

Hand: mkono  Audio Feet: miguu  Audio Hair: nywele  Audio
Eye: jicho  Audio Mouth: mdomo  Audio Nose: pua  Audio

Emergency vocabulary to ask for help or offer help when needed:

Ambulance: ambulansi  Audio Doctor: daktari  Audio
Hospital: hospitali  Audio Pharmacy: duka la dawa  Audio
Police: polisi  Audio Stomach Ache: maumivu ya tumbo  Audio

As you can see, this Swahili vocabulary is something you will need every day. You can use our Vocabulary Trainer to help you memorize these words.

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Did you know? People use only a small amount of their vocabulary on a daily basis. The rest of the words are either unused or not used often.

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