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The Romanian vocabulary is the backbone for learning. Below we picked 70% of the most commonly used words. Therefore memorizing them will give you a 70% boost in the language. This is the smarter way of online learning. Learn only what you need. We start with commonly used numbers.
One: unu | Two: doi | Three: trei |
Four: patru | Five: cinci | Six: şase |
Seven: şapte | Eight: opt | Nine: nouă |
Ten: zece | First: primul | Second: al doilea |
Days of the week and time expressions:
Monday: luni | Tuesday: marţi | Wednesday: miercuri |
Thursday: joi | Friday: vineri | Saturday: sâmbătă |
Sunday: duminică | Now: acum | Yesterday: ieri |
Today: astăzi | Tonight: în seara aceasta | Tomorrow: mâine |
Most popular fruits and vegetables:
Fruits: fructe | Apples: mere |
Bananas: banane | Tomatoes: roşii |
Potatoes: cartofi | Onions: ceapă |
Red: roşu | Green: verde | Blue: albastru |
White: alb | Black: negru | Grey: gri |
Some words related to food:
Breakfast: mic dejun | Lunch: prânz |
Dinner: cină | Milk: lapte |
Coffee: cafea | Bread: pâine |
Weather terms and sensations:
Sunny: însorit | Windy: vântos | Rainy: ploios |
Snowy: nins | Cold: rece | Hot: fierbinte |
Words related to family and relatives:
Boy: băiat | Girl: fată |
Son: fiu | Daughter: fiică |
Brother: frate | Sister: soră |
Man: bărbat | Woman: femeie |
Father: tată | Mother: mamă |
Grandfather: bunic | Grandmother: bunică |
Locations in the house which are talked about more during the day:
House: casă | Toilet: toaletă | Room: cameră |
Bedroom: dormitor | Kitchen: bucătărie | Table: tabel |
Animals and pets popular to everyone:
Cat: pisică | Dog: câine | Mouse: şoarece |
Bird: pasăre | Cow: vacă | Horse: cal |
The clothes most worn by most people:
Socks: şosete | Shoes: pantofi | Trousers: pantaloni |
Shirt: cămaşă | Sweater: pulover | Coat: haină |
Most popular languages in the world:
Most popular terms when traveling:
Taxi: taxi | Bus: autobuz |
Hotel: hotel | Reservation: rezervare |
Airport: aeroport | Passport: paşaport |
Words you can use in class or talking about school:
Student: student | Teacher: profesor | Pen: stilou |
Books: cărţi | Page: pagină | Dictionary: dicţionar |
Body parts which are talked about more often:
Hand: mână | Feet: picioare | Hair: păr |
Eye: ochi | Mouth: gură | Nose: nas |
Emergency vocabulary to ask for help or offer help when needed:
Ambulance: ambulanţă | Doctor: medic |
Hospital: spital | Pharmacy: farmacie |
Police: poliţie | Stomach Ache: durere de stomac |
As you can see, this Romanian vocabulary is something you will need every day. You can use our Vocabulary Trainer to help you memorize these words.
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Did you know? People use only a small amount of their vocabulary on a daily basis. The rest of the words are either unused or not used often. |